Let's worship together!First Presbyterian Church (FPC) Gastonia offers Sunday morning service in the Sanctuary at 11 a.m. for our Traditional Worship service and a contemporary Thrive Worship service at 9 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We welcome you to explore different worship styles within our friendly church community.
A heart full of love has no room for hate.
Our VisionAs a member of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A, we aspire to empower all voices and privilege none: seeking consensus whenever possible while providing space for mutual discernment and practice, exploring revisions to the Book of Order and Standing Rules, and supporting minority participation in every way, from technical support to leadership development.
Our MissionLocated in Gastonia, North Carolina, First Presbyterian Church (FPC) is here to study God's word, worship joyfully, serve the community, grow together in faith, work for justice and peace, and share the blessings of comfort and grace with all.
"Those who love me, I will deliver; I will protect those who know my name."
Psalm 91:14
Our Calling
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Book of Order declares that “the mission of the church is given form by God’s activity in the world as told in the Bible and understood by faith.” We are to be “the provisional demonstration of what God intends for all of humanity.” This call restates the charges for mission in the New Testament.
The Importance of RepentanceBut if we are to believe who Jesus is, we must also acknowledge who we are.
The Impact of PrayerPrayer can offer strength and support during difficult moments.
Share the Wealth of JoyAs much as joy is meant to be given to us, God calls us to be a joy for the world.
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