Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women is an organization of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) whose goal is to empower and support women through ministry, study, and prayer. Presbyterian Women seeks to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.
Meaningful missionOur Presbyterian Women support a number of missions both locally and around the world.
Nurture faithThe word of God is proclaimed through monthly circle meetings which include Bible study and discussion.
build communityPresbyterian Women are committed to fostering community and individual growth through peacemaking and justice initiatives.
Presbyterian Women's
Honorary Life Member Award
Each year an Honorary Life Membership in the Presbyterian Women organization is conferred upon an individual in recognition of her faithful service in some area of the church’s work and the work of Presbyterian Women. The person selected is generally announced at the Birthday Luncheon in May.
Please carefully consider nominating someone for this honor. Proposal forms and guidelines for a candidate are available at the Reception Desk or Vestibule. Previous Life Members are listed on page 5 of the 2019-2021 Women’s Directory. Please return completed forms to the Reception Desk by March 31. Contact Kate Buckles (704) 718-1079 with any questions.
Please carefully consider nominating someone for this honor. Proposal forms and guidelines for a candidate are available at the Reception Desk or Vestibule. Previous Life Members are listed on page 5 of the 2019-2021 Women’s Directory. Please return completed forms to the Reception Desk by March 31. Contact Kate Buckles (704) 718-1079 with any questions.
Monthly Circle Meetings
Each month Presbyterian Women meet with other members of their circle for a meal, fellowship, and devotion. Circles are open to all and meet at varying times and locations to accommodate members' schedules.
Circle 1
Second Monday of the Month Fellowship Hall 10:00 a.m. |
Circle 2 & 3
Second Monday of the Month Covenant Village 10:30 a.m. |
Circle 4
Second Tuesday of the Month Fellowship Hall 11:30 a.m. |
Circle 5
Meets at various times throughout the month Off-Campus |
Circle 6
Second Monday of the Month 6:30 p.m. Church Parlor |
Circle 7
Third Thursday of the Month 7:00 p.m. Off-Campus |
Supported Missions
Blanket SundayEach year Presbyterian Women collects a special offering which supports Church World Services, an organization that provides blankets and other emergency equipment to communities who are experiencing hardship due to natural or human made disasters. The generosity of the congregation helps to support people in our community, and all over the world, who find themselves without a warm place to rest. Church World Services who not only provides blankets, but also emergency cleanup buckets, school kits, and hygiene kits to those who have suffered disasters.
Guatemala Microloan ProgramIn February of 2020, Margaret Mackie traveled to Guatemala as a member of the Microloan Delegation Team organized by the Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of Western North Carolina.
This delegation had a desire to meet, share, and celebrate with the Guatemalan women currently participating in the Microloan Project in the Presbyteries of Suchitepequez and Sur Occidente. Through the Microloan Project, these women are given the opportunity to better their lives, and those of their children and families, through small business ventures. Microloan recipients raise chickens and pigs, make and sell tortillas, and sew soccer uniforms. While there, the delegation presented a Presbyterian Women banner to the women of Sur Occidente, our Sister Presbytery in Guatemala. Through this ministry, Presbyterian Women help their sisters in Guatemala to overcome the extreme poverty, social injustice, and oppression that they face within their society. We thank you for your support! |
sPECIAL Events
pRESBYTERIAN wOMEN'S bIRTHDAY lUNCHEONThe Presbyterian Women’s Annual Birthday Luncheon takes place each spring. At the luncheon, the Women of the Church celebrate the lives of those who have joined the church triumphant over the past year, and recognize an individual member for her service in the church and community.
fOOD fESTIVAL AND BAKE SALEEach spring Presbyterian Women hosts its annual Food Festival and Bake Sale. Here, you can purchase some of the Cakes, pies, cookies, casseroles and meals around! Proceeds from this event are used to support various mission projects and organizations selected by Presbyterian Women.