Staff Video Archive
Wednesday Wisdom: Introducing Generation to Generation
Have you ever wondered how to get more young people to come to our church? Or how you can lead in ministry like your parents and grandparents have? Or maybe you've pondered what it would look like if all generations came together to do God's work here? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to join us for Generation to Generation, our new sermon series that begins this Sunday! For the next few months, we will be looking at different instances in scripture where people spanned generations to do God's work together. Come learn how you can leave your mark for generations to come! |
Wednesday Wisdom: Lingering in the Glow of Christmas with Rev. Rachel Vogado
What is your post-Christmas style? Do you like to pack up all of your decorations before the new year? Or do you try to keep celebrating Christmas even after December 25th has passed? In this week’s Wednesday Wisdom, Rev. Rachel Vogado admits that she finds herself trying to hold on to the joy and linger in the glow of Christmas a little bit longer. And maybe, she explains, we should all resist putting away our manger scenes to instead be reminded of how Emmanuel came to dwell among us on earth, letting his peace and love shine brightly. May we continue to live in Jesus’ light as we approach the new year |
Wednesday Wisdom: A Christmas Wish with Rev. Daniel J. Commerford
In the final Wednesday Wisdom before Christmas, Rev. Daniel J. Commerford shares a rendition of Silent Night on the ukulele before offering a prayer and wish for us this Christmas season. May you be filled with awe this Christmas as we worship Christ together! |
Wednesday Wisdom: The Advent Wreath with Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
Over the past few weeks, you may have noticed some of the new Advent symbols present in the Fellowship Hall or Sanctuary. Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore explains that these symbols remind us of God's love for us, serving to fill us with peace during a time that may be difficult for some. Today Lauren points out the particular symbolism behind the Advent wreath and candles we light each Sunday during advent. Check out this week's video to learn more! |
Wednesday Wisdom: A Blast from the Past with Rev. Dr. Charles Davenport
In today's Wednesday Wisdom, Rev. Dr. Charles Davenport shares a few thoughts on John the Baptist and how he is an integral part of the Christmas story. Charles explains that John was a "blast from the past," connecting the Old and New Testaments together. He came as a voice crying out in the wilderness, preparing the way for Christ and calling all to repent for their sins. As we continue on our Advent journey, Charles explains that John the Baptist calls us to prepare for Christ in much the same way; repent and believe the Good News! |
Wednesday Wisdom: From Darkness to Light with Rev. Rachel Vogado
The Advent season is upon us! And Rev. Rachel Vogado admits that, while Advent is one of her favorite times of the year, the season can be overwhelming and challenging for some. However, Rachel explains that Advent calls us to something different than the “do more, spend more, buy more” culture we find ourselves in. During Advent, we are encouraged to watch and listen as we wait to see what God will reveal. Rachel explains that the process of creating icon paintings is very similar, creating a beautiful metaphor for traveling through the Advent season in a journey from darkness to light |
Wednesday Wisdom: Bless this Food with Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
In this week’s Wednesday Wisdom, Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore expresses her gratitude for the abundance of food and resources we have available to us during the holiday season. We consume so much, so let us be reminded to appreciate and be thankful for those who help feed our families. Be that the people who grow and raise our produce and livestock, or the hands that prepare it. And particularly, let us give thanks to God for his many blessings. |
Wednesday Wisdom: In the Bulb there is a Flower with Rev. Dr. Charles Davenport
In today's Wednesday Wisdom, Rev. Dr. Charles Davenport shares his love for gardening in the fall. Particularly, planting tulip bulbs. Charles explains that at first glance, the bulb seems ugly and gnarly, but when planted and nurtured it becomes a beautiful flower! May we be encouraged during this changing of seasons that things need a time of solace in order to grow and become what God has planned. |
Thursday Thoughts: The House of the Lord with Rev. Daniel J. Commerford
This week we have Thursday Thoughts instead of Wednesday Wisdom as we hear from Rev. Daniel J. Commerford! Dan explains that this week he and his family have begun moving into their new house and, in doing so, he has felt a renewed sense of belonging - he felt at home. Dan goes on to explain that we all have the opportunity to feel at home when we dwell in the house of the Lord. Jesus has broken down the barriers and invited us in, allowing us to rest in God’s love. |
Wednesday Wisdom: God is Doing a New Thing with Rev. Rachel Vogado
Happy Wednesday! This week we hear from Rev. Rachel Vogado as she reflects on the changing of seasons. Rachel explains that she loves children's books, and as we enter the fall season, it brought to mind the book "Little Tree" by Loren Long. In this story, we hear of a small tree who is too afraid to drop his leaves when fall comes, causing him to miss out on the new growth of spring. Rachel explains that this can happen to us when we are too afraid to let go of the old and embrace the new things that God is doing in our lives. It takes a lot of courage to let go, Rachel tells us, but the promise of spring is right around the corner. |
Wednesday Wisdom: Better Together with Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
In today’s Wednesday Wisdom, Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore helps us to get in the fall spirit as she talks about pumpkins and individuality. Lauren points out that there are all sorts of different pumpkins and gourds, but when you bring them together, they create something truly beautiful. And the same can be said for us! We all have different gifts, but when we use them together we are able to contribute to our community in a more meaningful and wonderful way. As we keep considering stewardship this month, think about what gifts God has given you and how they can be used for God’s glory. |
Wednesday Wisdom: Saying Goodbye is Never Easy with Pastor John H. Stanley
In this week's Wednesday Wisdom, Pastor John H. Stanley shares one of his last videos with us. Saying goodbye is difficult, and John admits that it is not easy to say goodbye to a congregation that he has come to know and love so dearly. However, John says that as he anticipates this transition, he thanks God for having been given the opportunity to grow and work with such an amazing congregation and staff. |
Wednesday Wisdom: Embracing Christ's Love with Rev. Daniel J. Commerford
Today Rev. Dan Commerford brings his ukulele to share his musical gifts along with some insight on the passage, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Often, we interpret this as a triumphant empowering piece of scripture. However, Dan explains, it is really about being content and learning to embrace Christ's love no matter the circumstances. Whether we are experiencing a season of blessing or hardship, Christ helps us find a way to persevere. |
Wednesday Wisdom: The Gift of Groupness with Rev. Rachel Vogado
In this week's Wednesday Wisdom, our Director of Faith Formation, Rev. Rachel Vogado, joins us to share a few thoughts about belonging and "groupness." Groupness, Rachel explains, is a phenomenon where people feel unified and rooted together for a common goal. Often, we will feel this sense of closeness after a retreat or with other members of bible study - which makes sense when you learn that it takes 17 consecutive hours to achieve groupness. This, Rachel explains, is why our program year is so vital in the life of our church. |
Wednesday Wisdom: Lamentation and Celebration
In this week's Wednesday Wisdom, Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore speaks on the intersection between lamentation and celebration. We have a lot of new and exciting things happening in the life of our church right now! This week we will celebrate returning to two services, Wednesday Night Alive! starting back, and even a baptism! Yet, this week we also remember the anniversary of the September 11th attacks and all those who have been ill during the pandemic. Unfortunately, we are not shielded from lamentation. However, we find hope that as Christians we do not have to lament alone. |
Wednesday Wisdom: The Fruit of the Spirit with Pastor John H. Stanley
Have you ever had fruit cocktail? In this week's Wednesday Wisdom, Pastor John Stanley explains that it is one of his favorite things to eat, and while studying Galatians this week, the thought occurred to him that Paul must have liked fruit cocktail as well. You see, it's in Galatians that Paul talks about the nine fruits of the spirit - a fruit cocktail if you will! John explains that the holy spirit can produce all sorts of fruit, but that we must choose to bear it. Learn more by watching the video below. |
Wednesday Wisdom: Praying for Peace with Rev. Daniel J. Commerford
In this week's Wednesday Wisdom, Rev. Dan Commerford talks about how we can best pray for peace in Afghanistan. We live in a world that often feels devoid of peace - be that because of COVID or conflict or simply because we are so heavily divided across partisan lines. But regardless, God invites us to bring peace into the world. Dan explains that in order to do this we not only need to pray, but we also need to work to create that peace with our words and our actions. |
Wednesday Wisdom: God Calls Us by Name with Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
Today Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore joins us for Wednesday Wisdom as she talks about the importance of names, specifically, how God calls each of us by name. Lauren points out a passage in Isaiah that tells us how precious we are in God's eyes. God loves us, has redeemed us, and knows us intimately. |
Wednesday Wisdom: Hope is the Parent of Faith with Pastor John H. Stanley
In this week's Wednesday Wisdom, we hear from Pastor John H. Stanley as he discusses the importance of hope. John acknowledges that it can be hard to have hope, saying that there are even times when we are encouraged not to get our hopes up! However, John explains that there is a mystery when we run out of hope, and that mystery is that whenever we are without hope, we are not alone. |
Wednesday Wisdom: Sheep and Goats with Rev. Dan Commerford
With COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations rising at an alarming rate, specifically cases of the Delta variant, Rev. Dan Commerford takes a moment to talk about what we can do to help. He admits that many of us are frustrated or anxious about the prospect of having to wear masks again, but we must consider how we respond and, particularly, how should we respond as Christ's disciples. Dan explains that God takes notice of how we care for the most vulnerable in our community and, for him, showing that care means wearing a mask on Sunday. |
Wednesday Wisdom: Stick Close to God with Rev. Dan Commerford
In this week's Wednesday Wisdom, Rev. Dan Commerford introduces us to a friend of his as he discusses sticking close to God. Dan explains that as Christians in the reformed tradition, we are taught to closely follow God because God is always showing us love, faith, and what is true. In the Bible, we see where Paul encouraged the church in Corinth to examine their faith and make sure that the truth they followed was Christ's truth. Today Dan encourages us to do the same. |
Wednesday Wisdom: We Have Hope with Pastor John H. Stanley
"It is in Jesus that we have HOPE!" Pastor John H. Stanley declares in this week's Wednesday Wisdom. In this discussion on hope, John explains that it is easy to feel discouraged when things don't go our way. Yet, we are reminded that that hopeless feeling is not permanent. Jesus is the hope to our hopelessness, so we need not worry. We may be concerned, John admits - we may have hope in one hand and a handkerchief in the other - but there is no need to worry when God is with us. |
Dialogue on Faith with Rev. Dan Commerford and Ellen Cinq-Mars
Join Ellen Cinq-Mars and Rev. Dan Commerford for a "Dialogue on Faith," in this special conversation-based video. During their visit, Ellen and Dan discuss moving, sermon writing, the lectionary, and the beginning of Dan's ministry at First Presbyterian Church of Gastonia. If you have a question you would like Dan to answer, let us know! Comment below or email us at [email protected]. |
Wednesday Wisdom: Tune My Heart with Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
Have you ever learned to play a new instrument? Well, that is what Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore and many others are doing by participating in our Summer Ukulele Workshop! In today's Wednesday Wisdom, Lauren explains that she was anxious at first about learning to tune her instrument, but once she got started, she discovered that a special tuner gave her everything she needed to get her strings ready to go. Right now, many of us are learning how to "get in tune" in a whole new way. Watch and listen as Lauren shares her methods for tuning your heart. |
Wednesday Wisdom: A New Chapter with Rev. Dan Commerford
Today Rev. Dan Commerford greets us from his office where he is beginning to get settled in. Dan explains that during this time of transition, he takes comfort in knowing that God has guided so many through the process of relocating before. Dan recalls Abraham, Moses, and Paul, just to name a few. As we start a new chapter, Dan admits that the uncertainty of change can be scary. However, even though we don't know what's in store, Dan assures us that God most certainly does. |
Wednesday Wisdom: A Brain, Heart, and Courage with Rev. Fred Lyon
In his final Wednesday Wisdom, Rev. Fred Lyon encourages us all to continue to use our brains, our hearts, and our courage for the glory of God's Kingdom. Fred tells us that in the hymn, "Holy Spirit, Truth Divine," each verse corresponds with either the brain, heart, or being courageous. "It's kind of an Oz thing," Fred explains. We all possess these three traits, but how can we choose to cultivate them for maximum faithful growth? Watch and listen and Fred explains addresses this question and bids First Presbyterian Church of Gastonia farewell. |
Wednesday Wisdom: Blue Zones with Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
In this week's Wednesday Wisdom, Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore discusses "Blue Zones". This term refers to five specific areas in our world where people are living longer and living more healthy and vibrant lives. As researchers started looking into this phenomenon, they found that there were nine things each of the communities had in common, a primary one being that people in these communities all participate in a faith-based service four or more times a month. To learn more about Blue Zones visit |
Wednesday Wisdom: Fret and Worry with Pastor John H. Stanley
Join Pastor John H. Stanley for this week's bit of Wednesday Wisdom! Our words for today, John tells us, are fret and worry. In our world, we are so anxious to get things done, and to get them done now. If we are not careful, we can begin to worry and fret about things that are outside of our control. One of the great lessons we learn in life, john explains, is that God's timetable is not our timetable. We must be patient, we must trust God, and we must love God. Then, we can begin to abide in God without the need for worry. |
Wednesday Wisdom: Take Your Time with Rev. Dan Commerford
Happy Wednesday! In Today's episode of Wednesday Wisdom, we hear from our new Senior Minister, Rev. Dan Commerford! Dan speaks to us from the shore of one of his favorite spots in Tequesta - the Loxahatchee River. And it is there, Dan explains, that he is able to withdraw from the world and be alone with God. After a year and a half of being isolated and disconnected from everyone, it might seem crazy to spend more time alone! However, Dan reminds us that Jesus would withdraw to be alone and to pray. Let's not forget to take our time so that can focus on what is important in our lives, and be nurtured by God. |
Wednesday Wisdom: Your Devotional Life with Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
Today we introduce a new video series from our Pastoral Staff titled "Wednesday Wisdom!" Check-in each Wednesday as either Lauren, Fred, John, or Dan share a tidbit of wisdom for the week. In today's video, Lauren encourages us to make sure our devotional lives don't fall into a lull as summer break begins. Looking for a new devotional to study? Stop by the church vestibule to check out our latest offerings. |
Patience is Better than Pride from Pastor John H. Stanley
In the world we live in, it can be hard to have patience! Today Pastor John H. Stanley explains that while we live in a "we want it now" culture, it is important, especially in times of uncertainty, to remember patience. John encourages us to recall biblical examples of patience like Joseph, Job, or Abraham and Sarah the next time we are faced with difficulties, while also encouraging us to pray for healing and peace. |
Bound in Love from Rev. Fred Lyon
Today Rev. Fred Lyon shares some insight into Ephesians 4:15-16, where we are told, "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." Fred explains that we, as the body of Christ, must grow to be in sync with Christ as the head, and also grow to be bound together in love. Fred then closes by asking how we are joining together as a community to be strong in the ways of Christ. |
Seasons of Ministry from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
This week during worship we will recognize our graduating High School Seniors, so in today's video, Lauren reflects on the meaning behind graduation. She explains that often, graduation feels like an ending, and in many ways it is, but it is also the beginning of a new adventure. The word degree means to step or move forward. But the ability to move forward does not stop or start with a degree! Rather, God calls us throughout our lives to move forward into new seasons of ministry. |
The Stones Would Shout Out from Rev. Fred Lyon
In today's video, Rev. Fred Lyon shares a familiar passage from Luke 19, whereupon being asked to quiet his disciples, Jesus remarks, “I tell you, if these were silent, the stones would shout out.” Fred explains how this piece of scripture reminds him of a story about a group of Christians in China who in order to worship had to do so in secret. Eventually, they were discovered when one night they were so caught up in the spirit that they sang out in full voice. Fred closes by asking how we can raise our voices to show others God's love and compassion. |
The Bandits in our Hearts from Pastor John H. Stanley
Today Pastor John H. Stanley ponders the many tragedies we have seen in our world as of late. It becomes easy to wonder, John explains, "why do bad things happen to good people?" To address this question, John shares a quote from Chiang Kai-shek, who said, "It is easier to fight the bandits in the hills than it is to fight the bandits in the heart." While surely there are bandits in our hearts, John closes by saying that we must look for the good in people regardless of what we observe in the actions of the few. |
Baptism Birthdays from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
In today's video, Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore talks about how special your baptism birthday is! In the church, baptism is an affirmation of God's love and the love of your church family, and that should be celebrated just like your actual birthday! Lauren explains that your baptism birthday is a reminder of the day that you were claimed as Christ's own and made a new creation. She then closes by encouraging us to remember your baptism today and, if you don't know already, find out when your baptism birthday is! |
I am the Vine from Rev. Fred Lyon
In this video, Rev. Fred Lyon gives us a sneak peek at the scripture lesson for this Sunday, which comes to us from John 15. In this passage, Jesus tells the disciples, "I am the true vine." Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, and we abide in him. Fred explains that this metaphor stresses the importance of being connected to Jesus, and, subsequently, being connected to God. If we do not abide in Christ, just like the branches to the vine, we will wither away. |
Clear Your Calendar from Pastor John H. Stanley
Do you ever clear your calendar to be alone with God? Today Pastor John H. Stanley discusses the importance of taking time to be with God. Even Jesus, John explains, would take time to be alone for prayer and reflection. John encourages us each morning to be intentional with our time, choosing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. |
Holy Heartburn from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
Happy Hump Day! Today Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore shares a variety of updates as we prepare for Youth Sunday and our Congregational Meeting this weekend. In addition, she reminds us of the Wednesday Night Alive! Spring Sing and Ice Cream Social which will take place this evening at 6:30 p.m. We hope you will join us then as we share a sweet treat and sing together! Lauren closes by discussing "holy heartburn" and asking how we find our hearts burning within us in such a way that we are inspired to passionately work as disciples of our risen Lord. |
Waiting with Jesus from Rev. Fred Lyon
Blessings on this Maundy Thursday! Today Rev. Fred Lyon shares the poem "Gethsemane" by Mary Oliver. Fred explains that here we are shown how all of creation in tune, and waiting with Jesus. However, the Disciples fall asleep. In the same way that he asked the Disciples, Jesus continually asks us to wait with him, to be awake, to be alert. As we continue our Holy Week journey, may we think of the ways we need to wake up so that we can work with Jesus and do ministry in his name. |
Journey with Jesus from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
Today Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore invites you to journey with Jesus as we approach the cross on Easter morning. Lauren explains that Holy Week is in many ways a full-sensory experience, and we have tried to capitalize on that this year with sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch experiences throughout the week. Tomorrow, join us for our Holy Week Art Walk, which will feature works of art, as well as hands-on exhibits, from 12:00-7:00 p.m. For a full list of Holy Week activities, please visit |
Beacons of Light from Pastor John H. Stanley
Happy Friday! Today Pastor John H. Stanley discusses how we influence the lives of others not only with encouraging words, but with our actions as well. To this point, John shares a poem from Edgar Guest that begins, "I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day." May this message serve as a reminder to demonstrate God's love through our actions each day. |
My Favorite Part is Spring from Rev. Fred Lyon
Today we hear from Rev. Fred Lyon as he shares a story about his children when they were young. Fred explains that after a day of "laying down the law," where basic rules and instructions continued to be forgotten, he found himself surprised by his sons listening to Vivaldi's Four Seasons. As we approach Holy Week, may you find yourself filled with surprise. Especially, Fred notes, the surprise of the empty tomb. |
Giving Up to God from Pastor John H. Stanley
Today we hear from Pastor John H. Stanley as he discusses a different way of giving things up for Lent. John explains that instead of giving up chocolate or ice cream, we might consider giving up grumbling or hatred and practicing thankfulness and love instead. Even more, John tells us to take our worries and anxieties - things that spend up our emotional energy - and give them up to God. |
Letting Go from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
Today we hear from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore as she discusses the importance of letting go. It's easy, Lauren admits, to hang on to things we don't need anymore. Sometimes, we feel like we can't let go because we are in such a stage of grief. However, Lauren reminds us that it is okay to give those things to God and let God be in control. |
Come Alive! from Rev. Fred Lyon
Today Rev. Fred Lyon shares some thoughts from Howard Thurman and N.T. Wright, encouraging us to find what makes us come alive! In particular, what is it about the resurrection that makes us come alive? Fred explains that we don't need to wait until Easter to ask these questions. Instead, he urges us to begin to thinking about it now in this time of preparation. Let us begin to live the reality now that Christ is indeed risen from the dead for us and for our salvation. |
Doubting Thomas from Rev. John H. Stanley
Have you ever been called a Doubting Thomas? In today's video Pastor John H. Stanley discusses the nickname given to the Apostle Thomas. When hearing of Jesus' resurrection, Thomas claimed that he would not believe until he had seen the wounds in Christ's hands and his side. So what can we learn from Thomas? John explains that our doubts can help bring us to a deeper understanding of our faith. |
Living Abundantly from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
Today Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore gives thanks that Jesus "didn't just fast forward" through his ministry. It is easy for us to feel like we always need to be going and should skip over the little things to get on with the show. However, Jesus took each important step to let people know that he was our Savior. Lauren closes by encouraging us to be present in the now for these Lenten days, just as Christ was. |
Responding to God's Call from Rev. Fred Lyon
In today's video update, Rev. Fred Lyon shares an announcement from the Officer Nominating Committee encouraging members of the congregation to submit nominations for Elders and Deacons for the class of 2024. Fred explains that by prayerfully considering and nominating people who are trustworthy, spiritual, and caring, we are able to give voice to whom Jesus is calling to serve. To submit nominations online, please visit |
God Has a Plan For You from Pastor John H. Stanley
Pastor John H. Stanley joyfully shares that the good news for today is that God has a plan for all of us! We are each called for a special purpose, John explains. One such example in the Bible is Moses. When God called Moses to liberate God's people, Moses felt inadequate. He made excuses saying things like, "who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" Yet, God reminded Moses, just as we are reminded, that God has chosen each of us for a reason and has set things into motion for such a time as this. |
Where Can I Go? from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
Happy Tuesday! Today Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore shares a passage from Psalm 139 which reads, "Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence?" Lauren explains that the answer is nowhere! There is nowhere we can go or anything that we can do to separate ourselves from the love of God. Lauren describes this like a tether: we are always connected to God and kept safe within his presence. Lauren closes by asking, "What is helping you to stay connected to God during this Lenten season?" |
Again and Again: A Lenten Refrain from Rev. Fred Lyon
Today we hear from Rev. Fred Lyon as we begin the season of Lent. Fred explains that very often during Lent we are encouraged to give something up. However, Fred instead encourages us to give up our feelings of guilt and gird ourselves up with Christ. Fred closes by introducing our Lenten theme, Again and Again, and shares an excerpt from our Lenten devotional |
Pressing on Towards Our Goal from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
In today's video update, we hear from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore as she discusses the importance of working towards a goal. Lauren explains that, lately, she has been intentional about focusing on her health and wellness goals. The more she works, the stronger she can feel herself become. We all have different goals, she explains. Even Paul when he was in prison did not stray from his goal of being as much like Christ as he could be. Lauren closes by asking what goals we have as we press on towards Christ. |
Bringing People to Jesus from Pastor John H. Stanley
Do you ever get jealous when someone else gets the credit for something you did? Today we hear from Pastor John H. Stanley as he discusses the disciple Andrew. John explains that we often see Andrew bringing people to Jesus. He welcomes in new believers, including his brother Simon Peter, and, during the feeding of the 5,000, it was Andrew who brought the young boy whose basket of loaves and fishes fed the masses. Yet, we never see Andrew try to take credit for these events. Instead, Andrew took every opportunity to point people to Christ |
A Reflection of God's Love from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
As Valentine's Day quickly approaches, Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore talks to us about how we show love to each other. Lauren explains that it is important to know how those around us like to be loved so that we can love them in the way that they feel it most. Going even further, she encourages us to think of our relationship with others in terms of how God loves us - unconditionally. When we love those around us unconditionally, Lauren explains, we become a reflection of God in the world. |
Those Who Hope from Pastor John H. Stanley
Happy Friday! Today we hear from Pastor John H. Stanley as he discusses the importance of hope. In looking for a positive word to focus on as we begin the new year, John settled on hope. As we experienced all of the dark days of 2020, it is easy to feel that we are without hope. Yet, scripture encourages us to place our hope in the Lord and to wait for things to happen in God's perfect timing. |
What Children Can Teach Us from Rev. Fred Lyon
Today Rev. Fred Lyon continues last week's discussion on children, but this time takes note of how children often teach us important lessons. In particular, he shares three moments where he learned things from his children. Fred explains that it is important to not only be aware of how children pay attention to us but that we also need to pay attention to them, for we can all still learn about becoming someone who loves God with all their heart. |
Holy Spirit, Truth Divine from Rev. Fred Lyon
Isn't it amazing what children remember from their childhood? Today we hear from Rev. Fred Lyon as he reflects on a moment he and his daughter shared over the hymn, "Holy Spirit, Truth Divine." Fred explains that he never remembered sharing his love of that hymn with his daughter, yet she still knew it. As a child, she had been paying attention. While we have the opportunity to raise children, either our own or those in the church, we must be aware that there is so much they pick up on. Fred charges us to make sure they remember the good things and that we are good examples ourselves |
Developing Patience from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
In today's video message we hear from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore as she discusses developing patience. It can be hard to be patient! When things are not going as we would like we can easily begin to feel frustrated or lose our patience. However, Lauren admits that is all part of the process. We become more patient as we endure more situations that cause us to be patient. And as hard as being patient may be, God will never fail to show us the little glimmers of hope in our midst. |
Holy Assumptions from Rev. Fred Lyon
Today we hear from Rev. Fred Lyon as he discusses the idea of holy assumptions. Holy assumptions, Fred explains, are the particular ways that we expect things to be done - such as how you celebrate holidays or who is in charge of various tasks. Fred tells us that couples tend to realize these subtle differences when they get married, but we encounter them in all sorts of relationships. For this reason, it is important that we know what our holy assumptions are and that we are open to conversation with those who have different assumptions than us. |
Introducing Rev. Rachel Vogado with Susannah Bryant
We are excited to welcome our new Assistant Director of Faith Formation, Rev. Rachel Vogado! Learn more about Rachel and her background as she and Director of Faith Formation, Susannah Bryant, discuss how she came to First Presbyterian Church and the ways in which she is looking forward to working with our Youth Ministry. |
The Liturgy of Your Life from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
Happy Friday! Today Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore talks to us about the importance of liturgy. Liturgy, she explains, literally means "the work of the people." There are many things that encompass the work of the church, and the liturgy - the words we choose - are very important as they represent that work. As we begin a new year, Lauren charges us to consider the liturgy of our lives and what we want the work of our lives to look like. |
Christmas in our Hearts from Rev. Fred Lyon
Over the past few weeks, we have been contemplating how we might honor and remember Christmas all year long. Today Rev. Fred Lyon continues this discussion as he recalls his mother's practice of keeping their Christmas tree up after Christmas. Fred explains that this tradition gave his family a sense of how Christmas could spill over into the rest of the year. Fred closes by reminding us to not only welcome the Christ Child into our hearts at Christmas but to let him abide and grow with us throughout the year. |
The Road Before Us from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
Happy New Year from First Presbyterian Church! Many of us are ready to bid farewell to 2020 and greet a new year. Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore explains that, to her, starting a new year is like turning onto a new road. What the future holds is unseen and uncharted. Yet, while we do not know what the future holds, we do know who holds our future. As we journey down a new road this year, may it be with much anticipation knowing that God is traveling along with us. |
The Greatest Gift of All from Pastor John H. Stanley
Christmas may be over, but that cannot keep us from celebrating Christmas all year long! Today Pastor John H. Stanley explains his belief that we can have Christmas every day of the year. There is no better example, he explains, than Psalm 9 which reads, "Sing praises to the Lord, who dwells in Zion. Declare his deeds among the peoples." By singing praises to God we can be as joyful as we are at Christmas knowing that we have the greatest gift of all, the love of God. |
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen from Rev. Fred Lyon
On this Christmas morning, Rev. Fred Lyon shares tidings of comfort and joy! God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen is a hymn that many of us find familiar, but today Fred delves into some of the deeper meanings behind the lyrics. He explains that God not only makes us mighty but continues to strengthen and fortify us in times of need. Fred admits that this Christmas is different for many of us, but we are assured, through Christ, that God is at work in our world. |
God is Not in a Hurry from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
Today we hear from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore as she talks about God's timing, a timing that we often don't understand. Especially now it feels like we are doing a lot of waiting, and God isn't really in a hurry, perhaps. While so many things seem on hold, Lauren reminds us that God is patient and long suffering for us. This period of waiting will only allow us to return to God full of faith and love. |
Do Not Fear for I am with You from Pastor John H. Stanley
In today's video, Pastor John H, Stanley acknowledges the uncertainty that we are all feeling right now. He admits we may even be asking, "Where is God in all this?" However, John encourages us to remain strong as he recalls to us Isaiah 41 which reads, "So do not fear for I am with you..." In every situation God is our strength and our help. And while it may seem hopeless right now, we must come to accept that things will happen in God's own time. |
Specific Gifts from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
In today's video, we hear from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore as she speaks on the specificity of gift-giving. Lauren explains that she is contemplating what to give her loved ones for Christmas, and while giving a gift card is a nice gift, she admits it is a more general gift. Thankfully God does not work in generalities! When God gave us the gift of Christ, he was very specific, with each part of the Christmas story specifically showing God's love for us. |
Gifts From God from Pastor John H. Stanley
Today Pastor John H. Stanley asks, "Is it possible for us to have Christmas every day?" Indeed, John explains, every day we receive gifts from God that help us to live in the spirit of Christmas. Firstly, John tells us, God has wiped away our sin, leaving us free from guilt. Secondly, every day we are reminded that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Lastly, we are given the gift of love, as nothing in life or in death can separate us from the love of God. |
Listen to the Lord from Rev. Fred Lyon
In today's video, we hear from Rev. Fred Lyon who shares one of his favorite Advent readings, "A New Chime For The Christmas Bells" by Helen Keller. Fred remarks how amazing it is that Helen was able to capture the sights and sounds of Christmas despite her disability. In the Bible, the words "listen" and "look" are very important, Fred points out, as they call attention to what God is doing in our world. Fred closes by asking, "What are we looking and listening for during this Advent season?" |
A Prayer for Thanksgiving from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
On this Thanksgiving Day, Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore shares her hope that you have been able to give thanks during this season of gratitude. And while Lauren admits that, perhaps, we haven't mastered giving thanks in all circumstances, there is still much for which we are grateful. Today Lauren shares a prayer for Thanksgiving written by Peter Marshall, Chaplin of the US Senate during the 1940s. Lauren prays that this prayer warms your heart and that this day may be blessed for you. |
Take My Hand from Rev. Fred Lyon
In today's video, Rev. Fred. Lyon discusses a familiar passage from Luke 18:17 which reads, "Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” Fred explains that the word receive in Greek means to take something by the hand. And how special it is to hold hands with a child! Through this passage we are instructed to trust God as a child does, reaching out and taking his hand. Fred closes by sharing the hymn Precious Lord, Take My Hand by Thomas Dorsey. |
Christian Love from Rev. Fred Lyon
In today's video, Rev. Fred. Lyon shares a familiar passage from 1 Corinthians 13. However, Fred encourages us to look at this scripture in a new way. He explains that in this letter, Paul implores the church in Corinth to heal their divisions, finally instructing them to simply love one another. In a time when our world is just as divided, we as Christians are called to respond with love like Christ. |
Reducing Your Worry from Pastor John H. Stanley
In today's video, we hear from Pastor John H. Stanley as he discusses worry. John explains that of all the things we worry about, 40% of them never wind up happening. On top of that, 30% of the things we worry about have already happened and cannot be changed! John encourages us to remember the Serenity Prayer when we feel stressed or anxious as a way of reducing what we worry about. |
Fruit of the Spirit from Rev. Fred Lyon
On this Election Day, Rev. Fred Lyon discusses how we can become agents of the fruit of the spirit. We find ourselves in a nation torn apart, but if we work to possess qualities like love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness, we can take action to help heal the divide. Fred reminds us that regardless of who wins this election, we know that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and that we will always be called to show his love. |
Beautiful Lives Well Lived from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
This Sunday, November 1, we will celebrate All Saints' Day - a special time in the life of the church where we remember those who have joined the church triumphant. While we give thanks for these beautiful lives, this day can be hard for many as we experience grief and sadness for those we have lost. Lauren encourages us to remember those loved ones fondly and to share their lives with someone special as a way to celebrate what they meant to you. |
Practice, Practice, Practice from Rev. Fred Lyon
In today's video, Rev. Fred Lyon discusses how we all have various skills that we take the time to practice and develop. However, Fred ponders how we need to not only practice physical skills but nurture our spiritual lives and skills as well. Fred closes by encouraging us to take time to be holy, embrace our faith, and put it into practice. |
Building a Spiritual Life from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
How is your spiritual practice like a Smore? Today Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore explains that a Smore takes several good ingredients and combines them to make something even better. And, she explains, we can do the same thing with our spiritual practice! When we combine devotion, worship, and prayer, these practices make our discipleship so much better. Individually, each one is important, but Lauren tells us that together these spiritual practices help us to form a spiritual life. |
Considering Compassion from Rev. Fred Lyon
Today we hear from Rev. Fred Lyon as he discusses how we show compassion to those around us. In the Bible, Fred explains, compassion can be translated as "love from the womb." Compassion moves us deep down in our being, and unlike sympathy or empathy, compassion moves us to action. Fred tells us that compassion allows people to shift from being hurt to being made well, and in that moment, something holy happens. |
Serving Wholeheartedly from Pastor John H. Stanley
How can we use our God-given talents to serve others, especially during these days of uncertainty? Today Pastor John Stanley explores this question by encouraging us to love our neighbor as ourselves. We can use our gifts, John explains, to encourage those around us, to give a loved one a call, or even to deliver food to those less fortunate than ourselves. We must serve others wholeheartedly, as our service to others is a commitment to God. |
Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled from Pastor John H. Stanley
How do we go about not worrying? Pastor John H. Stanley admits that it is easy for us to worry. Especially when we are anxious about what is going on in our world and in our personal lives. However, Jesus had a lot to say about worry! And in Matthew, we find very good advice for living lives of faith instead of fear. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have enough worries of its own! |
Stewardship is a Proclamation of Our Faith
In today's video, we hear from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore as she interviews Mallory Trogdon. Lauren and Mallory discuss why she is excited about raising her children at First Presbyterian Church and what stewardship means to Mallory and her family. |
Time Flies from Pastor John H. Stanley
Today Pastor John H. Stanley talks to us about how time really does fly! But at least, John tells us, we are the pilot! John explains that time has been on our minds in a lot of different ways. Lately, we have been in a time of great social unrest. Meanwhile, there are those of us who are finding ourselves with more time available than we had before due to changes in our day to day lives. The way we spend our time is up to us, so let us practice being good stewards of our time. |
Boomwhackers! with the Children's Music Ministry
Since they are currently unable to sing as a choir during Wednesday Night Alive!, the children’s music ministry has been learning to play Boomwhackers! Today you get an inside look at what they are learning each week! Similar to handbells, each Boomwhacker plays a different pitch when you knock it on the ground or the back of a chair. Each Wednesday night, the music ministry has been learning the importance of teamwork by playing songs together. |
Let Anyone Who Has Ears Hear from Pastor John H. Stanley
Today Pastor John Stanley talks to us about the importance of listening. John explains how, often, we find it difficult to listen and really hear. On top of that, John remarks, we are bombarded with thousands of notifications and messages each day, making it even more difficult to truly listen. To combat this, John suggests taking time to pause, slow down, pay attention, and thoughtfully listen to what other people have to say, remembering Christ's words, "Let anyone who has ears hear." |
In Different Times and Places from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
On this first day of fall, Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore talks to us about being present over being perfect. Lauren explains how, in the writings of St. Ignatius of Loyola, we are told what a joy it is to be able to worship God at different times and in different places. Today we see God continuing to work and create no matter where we are! Lauren closes by encouraging us to take a moment to be quiet in a reverent place with God. |
In God's Time from Pastor John H. Stanley
As we prepare for the weekend, Pastor John Stanley speaks to us about God's timing. In Ecclesiastes, John explains, we are told that there is a time for everything and that all is made perfect in God's own time. During this season of our lives, many of us find ourselves feeling stressed and anxious. Yet this scripture encourages us to wait patiently, putting our faith in God that everything will happen at the right time, God's time. |
Give Thanks to the Lord with Matt Smith
Our Thrive worship Leader, Matt Smith, greets us this week and discusses why it is so important to give thanks to the Lord all year round. In this video, Matt shares not only his music, but a few of the things he is grateful for - especially noting those involved with the outdoor worship service. Don't forget! This week our outdoor worship service will begin meeting at 9:00 a.m. We look forward to worshipping God together! |
The Big Questions from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
Today Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore provides us with some updates about our confirmation program and discusses some of the big questions we ask of our students when they are confirmed. Lauren explains that these questions help us to shape our identity as Christians, and teach our children to know and love Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Be sure to join us on October 4, either in person or via Livestream, as we recognize last year's confirmands in worship! |
Using Your God Given Talents from Pastor John H. Stanley
Today Pastor John H. Stanley touches on using your God given abilities to further God's kingdom. John explains that each of us is unique - there has never been another you! Your talents are such a special gift, and God has a plan for how your gifts can be used. John encourages us to pray for God's will to be done in our lives, that we might be used for God's purpose. |
I Lift My Eyes to the Hills from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
Today Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore shares Psalm 121 and reflects on its message. Lauren explains that God does not simply watch or observe us, but that he takes care of us in every situation. God knows all and protects us through all. Lauren reminds us that when we feel worried to place our hope in God, and he will give us peace. |
The Peace of God with Donna Kerns
In this week's staff update, we hear from our receptionist, Donna Kerns! Donna gives us a closer look at recent additions to the reception area and shares that periodicals and other items are available in the vestibule outside the office entrance. We encourage you to stop by to pick up the Prayer and Care list, Sunday School books, or other items! Donna closes by sharing a passage from Philippians 4:4-7. |
The Patience of Job from Pastor John Stanley
Today Pastor John Stanley discusses the importance of patience and that well-known figure from the bible, Job. There are many times in our lives where we find it hard to be patient, especially in the midst of turmoil. John urges us to remember Job, and practice patience, much like he did, in our own lives. |
An Interview with Rev. Fred Lyon
Today Pastor John Stanley and Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore introduce us to Rev. Fred Lyon, our new Interim Senior Minister! Watch the video below to learn a little more about Fred, including his background within the Presbyterian Church, about his family, and what he likes to do in his free time. |
Pray Without Ceasing from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
The secret is out! Lauren announces that we will be welcoming our new Interim Senior Minister, Rev. Fred Lyon, who will arrive on Tuesday, September, 1! We are so excited to welcome Fred into the life and ministry of First Presbyterian Church! While this is definitely an exciting time, Lauren admits that she has found herself feeling anxious about all that is happening. She is reminded, as are we, that there is no better answer to worry than prayer! |
Serving Christ by Serving Others from Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore
Thursday greetings! Today Rev. Lauren Sease Vanacore reminds us of the congregational meeting called for this Sunday, August 23, immediately following worship. During this meeting, we will elect our officers for the class of 2023. What a privilege it is to elect men and women to serve the church! Lauren explains that our Elders and Deacons serve Christ by serving the church, but they do not do it alone. We are all uniquely called by God to serve his mission in the world. Lauren hopes that through this, you might discern your call to ministry. |
Haste Makes Waste from Pastor John H. Stanley
Today John checks in with those participating in the 31-day Proverbs challenge before discussing today's reading and how haste can affect our lives in a negative way. John explains that many of us might be wondering, "why hasn't God done something about this yet?" We want God to act, and we want God to act now. However, John assures us that, just as we are told in Psalm 37, we must wait patiently on God. |
There is No Limit from Pastor John H. Stanley
In today's video update, Pastor John H. Stanley shares a quote from Ronald Reagan which says, "there is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he does not mind who gets the credit." John explains that we find no better example of this type of attitude in the Bible than that of Andrew. One of Jesus' disciples, Andrew had a way of leading people to Jesus, often letting others go before himself. Andrew's example teaches us that we need not feel resentment or jealousy because God has a special purpose for each of us. |
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