Sunday School
Jesus reminds us in the Great Commission to “teach everyone” so that God’s word will endure! Thankfully, we resumed in-person Sunday School Classes.
Looking for online Sunday School? Click here!
Looking for online Sunday School? Click here!
Adult Classes
Each Sunday School class has been designated a particular room to use as we resume in-person Sunday School. Please note the room each class has been assigned. Classes will meet at 10:00 a.m., unless otherwise noted.
Salt - Parlor
Journey - Session Room
Connections - Connections Classroom
Seekers - Seekers' Classroom
Henderlite Bible Class - Chapel
Read a description of each class' offerings below!
Salt - Parlor
Journey - Session Room
Connections - Connections Classroom
Seekers - Seekers' Classroom
Henderlite Bible Class - Chapel
Read a description of each class' offerings below!
Connections Class

Comprised of couples and singles aged 40-60, the Connections class meets at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday Mornings. Studies focus on current events through a faith-based perspective. The Connections class will also study the uniform lesson and various video series on occasion. Sessions almost always include lively discussion. There are regular social activities. The class keeps in touch with cares and concerns of members and the congregation through weekly emails. Members are active in the work of the church and throughout the community.
For more information, contact Kathy Gallman.
For more information, contact Kathy Gallman.
Henderlite Bible Class
Originally known as the Men's Bible Class, the Henderlite Bible Class was renamed to honor the service of Dr. James H. Henderlite, pastor of First Presbyterian (1912-1940). The class uses the Uniform Lesson Series and members rotate teaching responsibilities. This class has a long and illustrious history of providing financial support for a number of charities. It welcomes men of all ages.
While the Henderlite Class now meeting in person, using a hybrid model for those who wish to join online. For more information, contact David Ratchford at [email protected]. |
The Journey Class
The Journey class is a group of adults in their mid-30s to mid-50s that meets on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in the church Library. The goal of the Journey class is to promote loving, learning and growing in Christ. The Journey class is a loving and supportive group of disciples committed to learning the Biblical teachings of our Lord and Savior. This class studies the Lectionary each week.
Please contact Trey Robinson for more information.
Please contact Trey Robinson for more information.
the Salt class

This class is comprised of individuals in their mid-20’s to mid-40’s adults (both singles and couples) and includes many young professionals and young parents. The name SALT (Studying and Learning Together) was named with the idea to keep each other accountable, specifically drawing reference from Mark 9:50 and Colossians 4:6.
The SALT class features lessons taught by Coleman Efird, who leads members through a solid teaching rooted in scripture. Time is spent focusing on Biblical literacy, while also encouraging members to speak with grace as they share their faith.
In addition to Sunday morning, the SALT class has a regular rotating supper club and plans frequent socials. Please contact Sarah Sumner for more information.
The SALT class features lessons taught by Coleman Efird, who leads members through a solid teaching rooted in scripture. Time is spent focusing on Biblical literacy, while also encouraging members to speak with grace as they share their faith.
In addition to Sunday morning, the SALT class has a regular rotating supper club and plans frequent socials. Please contact Sarah Sumner for more information.
The Seekers Class

The Seekers Class meets Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m., in room 206. This class is made up of mature couples and individuals, both men and women, seeking a broader knowledge of the bible. This class participates in large group discussions. A class committee of rotating members chooses a topic and curriculum, which varies throughout the year. Currently, The Seekers are studying The Present Word. The committee secures a different teacher for each Sunday. Members support one local mission and one global mission annually, which is chosen by the class.
Please contact Ellen Cinq-Mars for more information.
Please contact Ellen Cinq-Mars for more information.